Invoicing How to Reconcile Invoices Have irregularities or errors with your invoicing? Here's how to reconcile invoices.
Invoicing Why You Should Save Invoice Copies Wondering what to do with your invoice copies? Here's why you save them.
Invoicing 10 Tips for Smoother Invoice Tracking If you're looking run an efficient business that gets paid on time, then you need to enhance your invoice tracking process.
Invoicing How to Format Your Invoices Let's take a look at how you should format an invoice for your customers.
Invoicing Why You Shouldn't Use Word for Invoices Think of using Microsoft Word to create your invoices? Read this first.
Invoicing 4 Payment Reminder Templates to Copy/Paste These payment reminder templates will make it easier for you to get paid for late invoices.
Invoicing 11 Common Bookkeeping Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them) Let's take a look at 10 of the most common mistakes we see made in bookkeeping (and what to do about them).
Invoicing Why You Shouldn't Use Excel for Invoices If you're already using Excel and are wondering if it's time to upgrade to an invoicing platform, then we have to give you a resounding YES!
Invoicing When Should You Give Discounts on Invoices? Let's take a look at the different ways you can empower your business and its customers using discounts (the right way).
Invoicing How to Create Invoices for Services Rendered We put together a quick and helpful guide for creating invoices for services rendered.
Invoicing 12 Reasons to Ditch Paper Invoices The popularity of paperless invoices continues to grow. But why? Let’s take a look at some of the reasons.
Invoicing 9 Things to Look for in Invoicing Software Before you purchase an invoicing software, let’s take a look at 9 things you should look for.
Invoicing 8 Benefits of Accepting PayPal Payments Let’s take a closer look at some of these reasons and why you should accept PayPal payments.
Invoicing How to Bill a Client In this article, we’re going to focus on how to bill a client like a pro so your company gets paid.
Invoicing Why & How to Thank Customers on Invoices Thanking customers on your invoices can improve relationships and earn long term business. Here's how to do it.
Invoicing How to Create an Hourly Invoice Here's how to create hourly invoices to get paid for your time and effort.
Invoicing When & How to Issue Credit Notes for Invoices Let’s take a closer look at what a credit note is and why (and when) you should use them.
Invoicing Can I Invoice a Company as an Individual? If you're a freelancer or independent contractor, can you invoice companies as an individual?
Invoicing How to Send an Invoice via Email Follow these simple steps to send invoices via email and get paid faster.
Invoicing 8 Expenses You Should Invoice Clients For Here are 8 expenses you can (and should) invoice clients for.
Invoicing What is an Invoice Number? Invoice numbers all you to keep your invoices nicely organized. Here's how to set them up.
Invoicing When & How to Charge Late Fees for Invoices Trying to decide whether or not to charge clients late fees? Follow this guide.
Invoicing How to Ask for Late Payments Professionally Asking clients for late payments doesn't have to be intimidating. Here's how to send professional payment reminders.
Invoicing How to Write an Invoice for Freelance Work Follow this step-by-step guide to write professional invoices for freelance work.